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To ensure a safe and positive experience for all users, Shopee restricts the promotion of listings that are:
There are 3 categories of listings that either cannot be advertised on Shopee, or can only be advertised with restrictions:
Unlawful content refers to all listings that cannot be advertised due to local regulations, such as products in these categories:
2.Restricted Content
Restricted content refers to all listings that are unlawful or culturally inappropriate to advertise, and can only be promoted with certain restrictions.
This includes products belonging to adult categories (such as Condoms, Sex Toys, E-Cigarettes (Kits, Liquids…), Alcoholic Beverages), which have the following advertising restrictions:
3.Content with Listing Issues
All listings with listing issues are deemed to be unsafe or untrustworthy, making them ineligible for sale. This includes listings with abnormal statuses (e.g. banned, reviewing).
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1.Unlawful Content
2.Restricted Content
3.Content with Listing Issues
To ensure a safe and positive experience for all users, Shopee restricts the promotion of listings that are:
There are 3 categories of listings that either cannot be advertised on Shopee, or can only be advertised with restrictions:
Unlawful content refers to all listings that cannot be advertised due to local regulations, such as products in these categories:
2.Restricted Content
Restricted content refers to all listings that are unlawful or culturally inappropriate to advertise, and can only be promoted with certain restrictions.
This includes products belonging to adult categories (such as Condoms, Sex Toys, E-Cigarettes (Kits, Liquids…), Alcoholic Beverages), which have the following advertising restrictions:
3.Content with Listing Issues
All listings with listing issues are deemed to be unsafe or untrustworthy, making them ineligible for sale. This includes listings with abnormal statuses (e.g. banned, reviewing).
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1.Unlawful Content
2.Restricted Content
3.Content with Listing Issues