Get inspired by our sellers’ success stories and discover how Shopee Ads can work for you too.
Shopee Ads provides you with the flexibility to view the expenses incurred over a specific period by selecting your desired time frame. Additionally, we’ve made it possible for you to separate the types of transactions for a seamless bookkeeping experience to track your ads spend.
Do note to regularly export your data as the server only stores 90 days worth of data for you.
For more videos like this, head over to our ShopeeUni Youtube Channel.
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To access your billing records
Shopee Ads Education Video-On-Demand
Shopee Ads provides you with the flexibility to view the expenses incurred over a specific period by selecting your desired time frame. Additionally, we’ve made it possible for you to separate the types of transactions for a seamless bookkeeping experience to track your ads spend.
Do note to regularly export your data as the server only stores 90 days worth of data for you.
For more videos like this, head over to our ShopeeUni Youtube Channel.
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To access your billing records
Shopee Ads Education Video-On-Demand