Tutorial Videos

You Can Now Edit Multiple Ads At Once

Managing your ads is now easier than before, with the ability to edit the status or budget of multiple ads at once!

Optimise your ads' performance easily, to achieve your business objectives. For example:

  1. Double the daily budget for ads with good ROI and/or item sold count to further increase your sales
  2. Increase the budget for all your ads by at least 50% on campaign days to ensure your ads continue to be seen throughout the day
  3. Pause ads with poor performance (e.g. 0 orders in last 30 days) and set up ads for other SKUs

How do I edit the status or budget of multiple ads? 

  1. Select the ads you would like to edit (up to 100 ads)
  2. Click "Change Status" to pause, resume, stop or start the selected ads
  3. Only ongoing ads can be paused
  4. Only paused ads can be resumed
  5. Only ongoing/paused ads can be stopped
  6. Only scheduled ads can be started
  7. Click "Change Budget" to adjust the budget of the selected ads

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