Facebook Ads

Optimising Your Facebook Ads Campaign

To evaluate and improve the performance of your Facebook Ads campaigns, monitor and analyse the following metrics under All Campaigns:

1. Impressions

Impressions measure how many times your ad is shown to a shopper. If your ad has low number of impressions even after a long period of time, consider increasing your daily ad budget to gain higher reach. 

2. Clicks and Click-through Rate (CTR)

Clicks refer to the number of times your ad is clicked on, while CTR is derived by dividing your ad’s total number of clicks by the total number of impressions. For an uplift in clicks and CTR, enhance the quality of your product listing, especially the product image. 

3. Orders

This refers to the total number of orders generated from your ad. 

4. Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

This is a measure of the total value of products sold within 7 days after a shopper clicks on your ad. 

For a detailed setup guide, please refer to this page.

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