Introduction to GMV Max

GMV Max 

GMV Max is an upgraded version of the Auto Bidding feature, enabling the system to help sellers fully leverage broader traffic on Shopee to maximize GMV potential while maintaining the Seller's targeted Return on Spending (ROAS) performance.

Key Benefits of GMV Max:

  1. Better Visibility across Shopee

Tap into broader traffic to access a wider audience for your chosen products to drive their sales potential. The increased inventory allows Sellers to scale the GMV potential of the campaigns better, driving better conversions. 

  1. Boost Competitiveness with informed ROI Suggestions 

Set informed campaign goals with Shopee's ROI suggestions customized for your selected Product. Or, go a step further and set a customized ROI goal that aligns perfectly with your business objectives based on your Shop or Product-level historical performance. Shopee will strive to hit the goal as closely as possible through dynamic bidding to maximize results. 

Together with access to broader traffic, Brands can boost their overall shop performance and drive further sales potential.

  1. Streamlined Performance Optimization

Consolidate and optimize the efficiency of your campaigns on a Product level across the Shopee platform, eliminating the need to track across multiple setups as Shopee will help to optimize your campaigns through system optimization. 

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GMV Max Ad Requirements 

  1. Each GMV Max campaign is focused on 1 Product Only. 
  2. If there are any ongoing / scheduled Product Ads with overlapping durations for your selected Product, please note that enabling GMV Max will cause the other existing Ads to be paused automatically. 

Best Practices for GMV Max 

  1. Refrain from unnecessary edits during the Learning Phase: After the start of your campaign, it will automatically enter the Learning Phase whereby Shopee will aim to help stabilize performance. During the Learning Phase, it is expected that there will be some ROAS fluctuations as the algorithm stabilizes. Hence, it is recommended that Sellers do not make any changes to the campaign during this period.

  1. Set Realistic ROAS goals: It is recommended for Sellers to set up campaigns based on the recommended ROAS values provided by Shopee. These recommendations are customized based on your Shop and Product performance, as well as competitive insights on the platform for similar items. An excessively high ROAS goal will result in limited campaign pacing and spending as GMV Max will become highly selective to maintain the submitted ROAS goal. Shopee will strive to hit the indicated ROAS goal as closely as possible, but it is not guaranteed.

  1. Scale GMV for Recommended Items: Set up GMV Max for recommended items within the Product Selection tool to scale the GMV potential of your high-potential and/or competitive Items to boost your overall Shop performance. 

  1. New Products: For newly-listed items, it is recommended to set up a New Product Boost campaign to help kickstart the Product performance. Once the New Product Boost campaign has ended, you may use the achieved ROAS as a baseline to set an informed ROAS goal for the Product with GMV Max to further scale its potential performance.

How to create GMV Max Ads on a PC

  1. From the Shopee Seller Center, navigate to the Marketing Center and select Shopee Ads.

  1. Click on "Create New Ads" and select "Promote My Product".

  1. Setup your Basic Settings for Budget and Duration. Under Placement, ensure that "All" is selected. GMV Max runs across all Product feeds within the Shopee platform.

  1. Set Product Selection as "Manually Select Products" and proceed to select your key item. Please note that each GMV Max campaign can only carry 1 product.

  1. After clicking on the [+] icon, you may proceed to select your preferred Product for this campaign. Under the “Select Products” function, you may also use the GMV Max Product Recommendation tool to help better select high-potential products to set up your campaign with. Click here for more information on GMV Max Product Recommendation.

  1. Under "Bidding" , ensure that the "Enable Target ROAS with GMV Max" checkbox is selected to proceed with the GMV Max creation process.

  1. From here, you may select the suggested ROAS goals by Shopee that are customized for the selected Products, or create a custom ROAS goal.

Use realistic ROAS goals: If proceeding with a Custom ROAS goal, it is highly recommended to reference the historical performance of the Product as a baseline.

Setting an overly high ROAS target may result in limited campaign pacing, thereby limiting your potential performance.

  1. Once ready, click "Publish" to launch!

Avoid unnecessary edits: Please refrain from making any changes to your campaign within the initial period or 7 days as it goes through the Learning Phase to explore the best way to optimize your performance. Any edits made during this period may result in re-entering the Learning Phase and delay the system’s ability to better optimize your campaign.

Click here for FAQ on GMV MAX!

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