Discovery Ads

Updated and re-launched Orders metric (from 24 June 2021)

The "Orders" metric was re-launched on 24 June 2021 to help you better monitor the number of orders generated by your ads.

  1. The newly re-launched "Orders" data can be used to calculate the percentage of your shop's orders generated by Shopee Ads 
  2. Please note that "Orders" data is only available from 24 June 2021 onwards
  3. "Orders" data for dates before 24 June 2021 will show as 0 
  4. As such, if you select a time period for your ads performance that includes dates before 24 June 2021, the number of "Orders" will be lower than actual number of orders generated by ads


  1. To see the definitions for all Shopee Ads metrics, please click here

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