Product Promotion

Discovery Ads will now be displayed in more locations

As of July 2022, shoppers will be able to see your ads on the You May Also Like section of shopping cart pages and order success pages, as well as the Daily Discover section in Shopee games.

This is in addition to the existing locations where Discovery Ads are displayed (Daily Discover section on the Shopee homepage and You May Also Like section on product detail pages).

How can I activate the new display locations for my existing Discovery Ads?

Your ads will automatically be displayed on all relevant pages - including the new display locations. If you would like to manually control the display locations, you can go to “Add Advanced Settings” to make changes.

Where can I see the ads performance for the new display locations?

You may view the ads performance for all display locations by clicking on the ad under the Product Statistics section of the Discovery Ads page.

  1. Ads performance for Daily Discover includes data from the Shopee homepage and Shopee gamesAds performance for You May Also Like includes data from product detail pages, shopping cart pages and order success pages

Performance for each individual display location is not available at this time.

Is it possible to create Discovery Ads for the new display locations only?

No, it is not possible. You can choose for your ads to be displayed in Daily Discover and/or You May Also Like across various display locations.

To find out more about Discovery Ads, click here.

For best practices for running Discovery Ads, click here

