Get inspired by our sellers’ success stories and discover how Shopee Ads can work for you too.
Your ads are charged based on the number of times shoppers click on you them. All your ads will stop running once you've used up your Shopee Ads Credit. To ensure your ads run smoothly, top up your Ads Credit before setting up your ads.
In this video we will teach you the step-by-step on how to top up for your Shopee Ads credit.
For more videos like this, head over to our ShopeeUni Youtube Channel.
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Your ads are charged based on the number of times shoppers click on you them. All your ads will stop running once you've used up your Shopee Ads Credit. To ensure your ads run smoothly, top up your Ads Credit before setting up your ads.
In this video we will teach you the step-by-step on how to top up for your Shopee Ads credit.
For more videos like this, head over to our ShopeeUni Youtube Channel.
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