Product Promotion

What is the difference between Enhanced Bid Price and Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation?

Both Enhanced Bid Price and Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation help to increase your sales from Product Search Ads' manually selected keywords and Discovery Ads with Auto Optimisation turned off, and can both be turned on to achieve the best results!

  1. Enhanced Bid Price:
  2. Automatically adjusts your manual bids on all days except major campaign days 
  3. Manual bids can be adjusted either up to 100% higher or down to 50% lower
  4. Can be turned on for specific ads only
  5. Aims to increase your sales while maintaining your average ads CPC.

Enhanced Bid Price toggle on your Product Search Ad Detail page

Enhanced Bid Price toggle on your Discovery Ad Detail page

To maximise sales from your ads, we recommend to switch on both Enhanced Bid Price and Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation.

  1. Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation:
  2. Automatically adjusts your manual bids only on campaign days (e.g. 11.11, 12.12 when sellers generally bid more competitively)
  3. Manual bids are adjusted upwards to remain competitive, up to 2x of your original bid price
  4. When turned on, applies to all Product Search Ads with manual keywords and Discovery Ads in with Auto Optimisation turned off.
  5. Aims to increase orders for your ads that are performing well on campaign days, while targeting to maintain the historical average ROAS

Click toggle above to access Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation setting on your Shopee Ads page

Where can I get more information about Enhanced Bid Price?

Click here for more information.

Where can I get more information about Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation?

Click here for more information. 

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Enhanced Bid Price:

Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation:

Where can I get more information about Enhanced Bid Price?

Where can I get more information about Campaign Day Bid Price Optimisation?